heat wave
the blackened skins
of roasting chilies


12 Responses

  1. Lisa Brown Says:

    Muy caliente :-)

  2. @michaelpaone Says:

    Love this!

  3. Frank Carey Says:

    I can smell the aroma :)

  4. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:


  5. larry wilmarth Says:

    well done..i like joan…

    winter warmth…
    have a nice day
    on car window

  6. Alan Summers Says:

    hot sandwiches
    the railing spikes collect
    children's gloves

    Publications credits:
    Presence 41 (2010) ISSN 1366-5367; Does Fish-God Know (YTBN Press 2012)

  7. fencer north london Says:

    A chill night with hot coffee

    what you think about that.

  8. Gardeners London Says:

    heat wave
    the blackened skins
    of roasting chilies

    missing Grandpa and old house. nice

  9. Tutors in Hong Kong Says:

    Beautifully depicted, I can easily imagine them

  10. osteoporosis prevent Says:


  11. Alan Summers Says:

    Really enjoyed this haiku. We certainly need more that contain food. Thanks!

    warm regards,


  12. Tree Surgery Says:

    An eye and mind opener indeed.

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