a boat’s lone light rocks between sky and sea

9 Responses

  1. Helen Buckingham Says:

    Beautiful, Jim. Chimes perfectly with how I'm feeling right now.

  2. Brandon Bordelon Says:

    between sky and sea
    he walks with light feet
    with feet of light

  3. Jayashree Maniyil Says:

    I so agree with Helen Buckingham! This is how I am feeling right now too and very aptly captured. I hope to reach the shore in one piece.

  4. haikuapprentice Says:

    I love the cleverness of construction of this poem, Jim.

    The single line format makes the poem itself into a picture of the scene for us – like a boat on the horizon. The middle of the poem is the word "rocks". It stands like a fulcrum, or the middle of a seesaw, to balance the two halves of this haiku. But ironically in this particular work the word itself is ambiguous – is it the boat that rocks, or are there physical rocks? And so on that word, the interpretation of the poem itself "rocks", it moves and shifts up and down.

    Stunning effect. Wonderful poem. Great job Jim


  5. @DreamsOfTaos Says:


  6. Bruce F Says:

    A contemporary haiku of sabi. Evocative. Nicely executed with a wonderful image of the small light.

  7. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    So visual. I love this.

  8. Alan Summers Says:

    this small ache and all the rain too robinsong

    Alan Summers
    Modern Haiku vol. 44.1 winter/spring 2013

  9. martin1223 Says:

    open ocean
    between the sonar’s pings
    moonless night

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