windswept dunes
the difference between
wants and needs

6 Responses

  1. polona Says:

    how human to want more than we need! like in a liminal zone between sea and land the margins are blurred and constantly shifting. yet in the extreme environment like a desert it all soon comes down to the bare essentials

  2. Annette Makino Says:

    Thanks for the thoughtful comment, Polona, you've captured my intent exactly.

  3. juegos2 Says:

    Wants and needs really are completely different concepts.

  4. Alan Summers Says:

    Excellent juxtaposition of images.

    warm regards,


  5. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    The constant shifting of our wants and needs – very nice.


  6. friv 2016 Says:

    windswept dunes
    the difference between
    wants and needs
    nice, nice words, I liked the words go to the heart, so

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