Welcome to T I N Y W O R D S, Issue 14.2

It has been about 14.2 years since our founder Dylan Tweney started this daily delivery of small poems on the web. And we can’t thank everyone enough for turning his idea into a thriving community of readers and writers.

Congratulations to Maureen Virchau for her winning response to the recent writing prompt photo of Asilomar Beach, Pacific Grove, California. Her poem captures the allure of the ocean’s edge, the vacant bench, the single gull. There were many stand-outs worthy of your time and attention. When you get the chance, scroll through the well over a hundred responses from all over the globe.

The summer garden may be going to seed but we’re here with a fresh supply of poems to sustain us through the end of the year. What is a poem if not a seed planted in the reader’s mind?

Our great thanks to our assistant editors: Ruth Holzer, John Emil Vincent, and Dave Serjeant for their thoughtful reading. And most of all, thanks to all who took the time to send us your poems.


Kathe L. Palka
Peter Newton

Editors, t i n y w o r d s

5 Responses

  1. Alan Summers Says:

    Always fun to see so many responses to the photo prompt.

    re "The summer garden may be going to seed…"

    All those good Summer haiku could still find a wonderful home! ;-)

    warm regards,

  2. Ellen Grace Olinger Says:

    I enjoyed reading the many good poems as well.

    Congratulations to Maureen Virchau on her excellent winning poem.

    And thanks to Dylan, Kathe, Peter and all the editors.

    Blessings, Ellen

  3. Maureen Virchau Says:

    Thank you so very much. I am truly honored for my haiku to be chosen as a winner. I think tinywords is an absolutely wonderful journal, and I am thrilled to be a contributor among so many talented poets. Thank you to Dylan Tweney, Kathe L. Palka, Peter Newton, Ruth Holzer, John Emil Vincent, and Dave Serjeant for all their time and consideration. Wishing everyone in the tinywords community peace & happiness.

    With gratitude,

  4. Barbara Kaufmann Says:

    Congratulations on 14.2 years of wonderful tinywords .Although I have been reading the journal for some time, I have finally figured out how to participate. Some things take time! Thank you.

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