all hallows’ eve
my skeleton awaits
its night out

8 Responses

  1. Dawn Apanius Says:

    ? this! So many ways to think about it. Fun!

  2. hammerandtongs Says:

    Wonderful punny haiku.

    "my skeleton awaits
    its night out"

    My bony skeleton, or me skeleton-costumed? No matter. It is all hallows eve, and there are plenty of skeletons walking about.

  3. harrisfr Says:

    Love this!

  4. Jada Says:

    Y’all are awesome guys.?

  5. Jada Says:

    My bones are hard so as my brain it thinks enerday even when I play such as a another denary day

  6. outbound Says:

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  7. bigphotographers Says:

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  8. martin1223 Says:

    October night
    dead leaves rush towards me

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