Learning English

passing clouds
the changing colours
of bougainvillea

Opening grandmother’s handmade notebook at C, I find a carob pod and recall her story about John the Baptist subsisting on its fruit. At M, her favourite culinary herb, a sacred myrtle leaf. Certain of an olive leaf, I turn to O and imagine those maroon orbs bobbing in brine. At J, a sweet fragrance rises from the page; I see her gathering fresh sprigs, pockets stashed with jasmine.

vines entwining
cursive script



(Originally appeared as an Honourable Mention in the Genjuan International Haibun Contest, 2015.)

4 Responses

  1. Rowena McGregor Says:

    That is so beautiful, thank you for sharing, I am feeling very moved and connected to my own Gran, a migrant learner of English.

  2. Bouwe Brouwer Says:


  3. Dru Philippou Says:

    Appreciate your comments very much and for taking the time to read.

  4. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    What a beautiful haibun, Dru.


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