slow rain …
by a roadside cross
a spray of silk roses

3 Responses

  1. Magyar Says:

    __ First seen, heartful Memorial Kathryn, and we see these mementos from place to place; they grow our thoughtful care.
    __ Nearby, there is a -bicycle fork and its handlebars- posed on a roadside banktop. In standing there as its decorations proclaim, -it seems to be a cross- to the person that had passed riding that bicycle.

    time passes
    as its rust grows deeper
    love follows

  2. Alan Summers Says:

    slow rain …
    by a roadside cross
    a spray of silk roses


    The first line and the fact this is a memorial to someone possibly killed by a drunk driver or certainly someone who might have driven away makes this doubly poignant.


  3. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    In a small town, such as the one that I come from, everyone knows the person for whom the bunch of roses are left on the road in and out of town. Poignant haiku.


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