the importance
of small details
Queen Anne’s lace

11 Responses

  1. Aparna Pathak Says:

    Beautiful haiku, Olivier ! Loved it !!

  2. Olivier Schopfer Says:

    Thank you very much, Aparna !

  3. Alan Summers Says:

    I really enjoyed coming back and back again to this haiku:

    the importance
    of small details
    Queen Anne’s lace


    Fascinating to read up about Queen Anne's lace and others belonging to the group! Amongst many things:

    ""Sensitized photosensitive persons may get an exact reproduction of the leaf on the skin by placing the leaf on the skin for awhile, followed by exposure to sunshine."
    "Daucus carota". Wikipedia

    That reminds me that even just the shadows of leaves and flowers against a wall have their own vitality. Sometimes we can see the importance of other small things, while letting go, for a moment, those other small things that we sadly magnify and intensify to no good effect on the richness of this fleeting life.

    velum clouds–
    through the small hours
    this writing in rain

    Alan Summers
    Haiku Novine ISSN 1451-3889 (December 2012)

  4. Olivier Schopfer Says:

    Thank you, Alan. Always a pleasure to read your words! I love to watch shadows of leaves gently moving on a bare wall ;-)

  5. Jean LeBlanc Says:

    Oh! This makes me fall into a summer meadow. What a beautiful poem.

  6. Magyar Says:

    __ Such importance in… small details. Grand, Olivier_! _m

    Forests count on each leaf, and we all… are that leaf. As someone once wrote:
    __ Each forest
    full of trees;
    __ each tree
    full of branches;
    __ each branch,
    full of leaves.

  7. Olivier Schopfer Says:

    Thank you, Magyar!

  8. Marita Says:

    Very well done and resonates at many levels. Thanks for reminding me that the appreciation of small things leads to abundance.


  9. Olivier Schopfer Says:

    Thank you very much, Marita!

  10. Olivier Schopfer Says:

    Thank you so much, Jean!

  11. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    Reminds me of raindrops trapped in cobwebs – I love this haiku, Olivier.


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