bright green needleson the fir…
berry-pickingeven our shadowst…
thunder clap ravens fly at the…
morning birdsongso many smallr…
the measure…
in the beginning cherry blosso…
dawn meditationthe valley surr…
Beyond fault lines and the u…
downtime the conflict rages…
fox tracks … who was I b…
dawnyour body’s outlinef…
beach umbrellaall day the orbi…
living willthe kids know all I…
mossy loga ruffled grouse drum…
self storage…
northern lights…
plain brown bulb…
mountain meadow…
redwood time . . .the steady j…
hospice pond…
the oceanwas in a rage last ni…
mouth of the riveran ever-chan…
water and stone…
beachcombing the detritus of u…
bone density ……
glassy lake…
when caught…
fall migration . . .…
my father?s country—…