haiku notes

News from the haiku world

Sunday, September 21, 2003

New rules. I've made some changes to the comment system on tinywords.com. First, I've renamed "comments" as "responses." Second, responses must be shorter than before -- they are now limited to 250 characters. Finally, you may only post one response at a time per haiku. Once you've posted one response, you must wait until someone else posts a response before you can reply again.

I'm hoping this is sufficient to curb the argumentative and self-important tone that discussion on tinywords has taken recently. Even more, I'm hoping that the word "response" -- and the short character length limit -- will encourage people to post their own haiku in response to the published haiku. I'm not making that a rule -- you can still post prosaic comments of praise and critique. But I'd be delighted if each haiku published on tinywords generated its own renga -- a linked chain of haiku verses, each one responding to the ones that have gone before it.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments on the new rules: dft at tinywords.com

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