haiku notes

News from the haiku world

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Submit your haibun: The World Haiku Club is soliciting haibun submissions for its upcoming magazine, the World Haiku Review. Details (from the WHC newsletter):

1. haibun prose - this element of the haibun is all too often just
"prose". I favour prose that has many of the characteristics associated
with haiku - present tense (and shifts of tense though predominant voice
"present"), imagistic, shortened or interesting syntax, joining words such
as "and" limited maybe, a sense of "being there", descriptions of places
people met and above all "brevity".

2. haiku in haibun - usually only one - this should link to the prose
"renku" style - not a direct carry on from the prose telling some of what
has already been said - no - it should lead us on - let our mind want for
more, start travelling. Linking by "scent" will be greatly valued!

3 . Each poet may submit 1 haibun only.

4. Include your name (and nom de plume, if applicable); and your state or
province, and country of residence (if more than one, please include all).

5. Works in non-English languages must be accompanied by good English
translation, which will be used for selection purposes.

SUBJECT FIELD OF EMAIL: "Haibun Submission for World Haiku Review"

Send haibun submissions by email to Paul Conneally at:

paul.conneally at ntlworld.com

Deadline: Tuesday, September 30, 2003, your local time.

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