Want to submit your own haiku postcards? Here's how: Write, draw, paint, print, or photocopy your original haiku on a postcard, send it to us via snail-mail, and we'll put it online in the tinywords.com postcard gallery. Send your postcards here:
d. f. tweney, publisherImportant details -- Make sure that the haiku and any accompanying illustrations appear on a single side of the card, since we will only publish one side. Use the other side for the tinywords.com mailing address (listed below), the stamp, and to write your own name and contact information. We need to be ablet to reach you if we have questions, feedback, or problems with your postcard. (We will only use this address for communications regarding your haiku postcard.) If you don't want us to publish your name or email address, please say so. Send only haiku that you have written and for which you retain the copyright. By sending us a postcard, you are granting us a nonexclusive right to publish that postcard electronically on tinywords.com. You will retain the copyright for your haiku and any accompanying illustration. Tinywords will scan and publish every haiku postcard we receive, provided A) it is not obscene, and B) you give us your name and contact information on the back. We cannot return submissions. Do not send postcards or other items in envelopes; we will not open them. Got digital images? Please email us at postcards at tinywords dot com to inquire about digital image submission guidelines (please do not send us attachments without asking first). That's it. Easy, huh? If you have any questions, write to postcards at tinywords dot com.
Except as noted, all haiku are copyright (c) their respective authors. |