            fresh haiku, delivered daily

tinywords haiku news

tinywords' purpose:
humanize technology,
spread haiku worldwide.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

no haiku today:
technical difficulties!
we'll be back next week.

To be more specific: the editor's laptop croaked.

Unfortunately, while I'm usually pretty diligent about backups, I didn't back up the past month or so of tinywords email -- including a lot of correspondence about various haiku submissions. That leaves me without many "autumn" haiku for the coming weeks. Rather than run haiku out of season, I'm just going to put tinywords on hold until I get access to my mail files again. My new boss is helping me get the data off my hard drive, and once we've done that, I'll be able to catch up with my email again -- and put all those submissions into the queue. I expect that will take a couple of days. In the meantime, I'm not checking tinywords email at all. Be patient if you haven't heard from me in awhile.

editor / publisher: d. f. tweney (dft at tinywords dot com)
Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Tweney Media.
Except as noted, all haiku are copyright (c) their respective authors.