another deadline
comes and goes

5 Responses

  1. Marjie Fitterer Says:

    unexpected death-

    seven stairs fall

    -now I?m a widow

  2. Jim Says:

    This is known as a "stinger" in football.

    well done, Jim

  3. Marjie Fitterer Says:

    Jim-Thanks. Would you explain what a ?stinger? is. I am not familiar with that term. To amplify on my above post: my husband died as a result of his injuries after falling down stairs in our home.

  4. Perry Says:

    Nice, Mike.

  5. Alan Summers Says:

    another deadline
    comes and goes


    It's ironic that we live by deadlines not realising there's really only one. Deeply poignant.

    Here's one recently published:


    pages turning in silence the hospice

    Alan Summers
    Frogpond 40:3 (2017)


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