fill the curve
of the snow shovel

10 Responses

  1. petertwo.oh Says:

    Nice one Bill! So, you don't get much snow in N.J. then ;-)

  2. Gabriel Says:

    I like poetic use of homes in obsolete parts (e.g., bugs in a cow skull), but the summer snow shovel is both after and before its day. That's really nice.

  3. chelyse Says:

    It's a hot day in Milwaukee, but that little poem was so cool….

  4. Jenny Says:

    Thank you. That was really nice. For some reason made me smile a peaceful smile.

  5. Alison Says:

    …and may they linger there a bit longer! Your haiku is very appealing and made me smile.

  6. Bill Waters Says:

    Thank you so much, everybody, for your comments! :- D

  7. Sue Burke Says:

    a TV meteorologist
    explains the heat wave

  8. Alan Summers Says:

    Really enjoyed this. ;-)

    Alan, With Words

  9. Gergely László Says:

    ívelik át a hólapát

  10. martin1223 Says:

    sunlight curves on the wild calla

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