leaky roof
we argue about


8 Responses

  1. Alan Summers Says:

    To have a leaky roof and endure leaky politics is too much, and only be offered a packet of chips by one Presidential nominee who shall remain nameless, if the glove fits the hand.

    Good soild edgy social issue haiku.


  2. Simon Midgley (UK) Says:

    I like the gently suggestive subtlety of this poem. What I see is people arguing ‘party politics’ but not addressing what is a threat to us all. Sandy might bring more people to take Global Warming seriously.

    The line breaks work great too.


  3. Simon Midgley (UK) Says:

    I like the subtlety of this poem. The image of 'party politics' ignoring something that threatens us all, and the poem itself only hinting at that threat. Genius. Maybe Sandy will be a wake-up call for Global Warming sceptics.

  4. Simon Midgley (UK) Says:

    The line breaks work great too.


  5. Simon Midgley (UK) Says:

    The line breaks work great too… ;-)


  6. Simon Midgley (UK) Says:

    Sorry for the multi-posting comments. I was using my 'Smart-phone' and couldn't tell that the comments had been sent, as the page didn't refresh. If any moderator would like to remove my comments 1 and 3 (and this one) I would be pleased.

  7. frances sinderwahl Says:

    heartbreak in this haiku:
    no roof over our heads
    no matter about politics
    – moonlace

  8. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    I saw a relationship in need of some patching up! Good one.

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