drinking fountain
I wait for the wasp
to finish

6 Responses

  1. Andrea Says:


  2. Guy Stephenson Says:

    So many thoughts tumble through my head after reading this!

    A huge human waits until a tiny creature has satisfied its need

    The stereotypical reaction to a wasp: panic, kill, is contradicted

    The benevolence of wasps, devouring the caterpillars on my vegetables

    My allergy to wasp stings

    The heat of a summer day

    The scent of sun-warm stone…

    I could go on!

    Its a beautiful piece. Thank you for making it.

  3. ingridbaluchi Says:

    Interesting, these two very positive thoughts about an insect so much maligned.
    In the end, because all life forms are at risk, we, because we imagine ourselves to be dominant, do need to wait, think again and pay respects.

  4. Mark Teaford Says:

    indeed! pay respects and learn!

  5. Mark Dailey Says:

    A wonderful haiku. Issa would approve! :)

  6. Jeffrey Ferrara Says:

    Deep meaning, light touch. A haiku to remember.

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