late afternoon
two old friends
chat in silence


5 Responses

  1. Mark Teaford Says:

    Wonderful food for thought… lowered voices? body language? facial expressions? simple shared presence? or….?
    Thank you!

  2. Ellen Grace Olinger Says:

    Yes, a wonderful poem. Thank you.

  3. Dave Borland Says:

    In great Haiku tradition:
    a classic moment of silence
    with two who have lived
    a life both activity and now
    blessed silence.
    Dave Borland

  4. ingridbaluchi Says:

    No need for talk among good friends.
    Tremendous need for talk (dialogue) to stem war.

  5. ingridbaluchi Says:

    No need for talk among good friends, but a tremendous and urgent need to talk with enemies to stem war.

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