my knees
won’t stop talking

10 Responses

  1. Joan Prefontaine Says:

    This is a first-rate haiku, Sondra. I have experienced this while meditating and am awed by your concise way of expressing this sensation!

  2. kalaramesh Says:

    Absolutely lovely!

  3. Bruce F. Says:

    Wonderful haiku – nice contrast between the silence of meditation & the "noise" of our knees (and bodies and mind!) Thought you'd enjoy the overlap: I published this haiku in bottle rockets in 2012:

    retreat's end…
    the master's knees crackle
    line mie

  4. Ross Says:

    Is that supposed to be "like mine"?

  5. sondra byrnes Says:

    Thanks! I like yours, too. But, is the last line 'like mine' or 'line mie'?

  6. Bruce F Says:

    "Like mine". — typo!

  7. Derra Says:

    Great haiku. It inspired me to ponder my own knees:

    total replacements
    my knees
    stopped talking
    started walking

  8. Alan Summers Says:

    I've only the one haiku with knee in it, and inspired by a Jodie Foster movie, as she fights injustice.

    vigilante movie
    my elbow
    heavy on your knee

    Alan Summers
    Publications credits: Symmetry Pebbles (2011); The Humours of Haiku (Iron Press 2012); Does Fish-God Know (YTBN Press 2012)

    Ah yes, attempts at meditation can result in an over active mind, and our joints wanting to converse too.

    Wonderfully enjoyable haiku.

    warm regards,


  9. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    Highly enjoyable, Sondra. :)


  10. Failure Analysis Says:

    You seem, by all accounts, to be additionally star in the procedure you scrawl.

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