Going online
to hear the hermit thrush sing –
it no longer comes to this hill
one sad reason or another

8 Responses

  1. marlene mountain Says:

    very moving carol

  2. Marilyn Hazelton Says:


    Such a beautiful poem . . .

  3. magyar Says:

    still birthing young
    upon our local pond
    to carry this summer forward

    __ This Cinquain notes that -not- all things of life are souring; we look to the fore, as we protect the now. _m

  4. Dawn Apanius Says:

    ? gorgeous

  5. janewilliams Says:

    Yes, sadly indicative of our times, beautifully written.

    Googling my name still I can't find myself

  6. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    A sad ku. Definitely a sense of nostalgia in this one.


  7. Alan Summers Says:

    Going online
    to hear the hermit thrush sing –
    it no longer comes to this hill
    one sad reason or another


    Surviving polio since she was 7 years old her poetry sings, and the small things are vital. I look forward to seeing your next collection out: "A Drift of Birdsong."

    warm regards,


  8. marykendall Says:

    How very beautiful and poignant, Carol. I really do love your work.

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