What I like about this poem is how it reminds me about the SURPRISE that's involved in the act of writing–I mean when you're on and saying what you want to say (without even knowing it, sometimes)
Whether it be a poem, a story, a letter to a friend . . . You never know what or when "the muse" will provide. . . sometimes it's an odd bird masquerading as a moth.
Wow! I think I've seen other types of large moths, but this moth really does look like a bird:
Humming-bird Hawk-moth
Scientific name: Macroglossum stellatarum
Its long proboscis and its hovering behaviour, accompanied by an audible humming noise, make it look remarkably like a hummingbird while feeding on flowers. It should not be confused with the moths called hummingbird moths in North America, genus Hemaris, members of the same family and with similar appearance and behavior.
The resemblance to hummingbirds is an example of convergent evolution. It flies during the day, especially in bright sunshine, but also at dusk,[3] dawn, and even in the rain, which is unusual for even diurnal hawkmoths. Its visual abilities have been much studied, and it has been shown to have a relatively good ability to learn colours.
They are reported to trap-line, that is, to return to the same flower beds at about the same time each day. WIKIPEDIA
Your haiku reminds me how when I wasn't doing volunteer landcare in Queensland, I would sit for up to five hours on my Queenslander verandah porch and see incredible things from the local wildlife.
I see that your award-winning book was edited by vincent tripi, one of the haiku heroes of mine, and others. Just seeing a few more examples from the book, makes me hope this is made available for sale outside the USA.
There is more than one layer of meaning to enjoy in this poem, as we are so often playing the role of a chameleon in our public facing acts of work or socialising etc…
November 25th, 2016 at 1:50 pm
November 25th, 2016 at 1:54 pm
a hummingbird
rapid strikes at this hawk moth
other flowers
__ Smiles_! _m
November 25th, 2016 at 6:57 pm
What I like about this poem is how it reminds me about the SURPRISE that's involved in the act of writing–I mean when you're on and saying what you want to say (without even knowing it, sometimes)
Whether it be a poem, a story, a letter to a friend . . . You never know what or when "the muse" will provide. . . sometimes it's an odd bird masquerading as a moth.
November 26th, 2016 at 4:02 am
Wow! I think I've seen other types of large moths, but this moth really does look like a bird:
Humming-bird Hawk-moth
Scientific name: Macroglossum stellatarum
Its long proboscis and its hovering behaviour, accompanied by an audible humming noise, make it look remarkably like a hummingbird while feeding on flowers. It should not be confused with the moths called hummingbird moths in North America, genus Hemaris, members of the same family and with similar appearance and behavior.
The resemblance to hummingbirds is an example of convergent evolution. It flies during the day, especially in bright sunshine, but also at dusk,[3] dawn, and even in the rain, which is unusual for even diurnal hawkmoths. Its visual abilities have been much studied, and it has been shown to have a relatively good ability to learn colours.
They are reported to trap-line, that is, to return to the same flower beds at about the same time each day. WIKIPEDIA
Your haiku reminds me how when I wasn't doing volunteer landcare in Queensland, I would sit for up to five hours on my Queenslander verandah porch and see incredible things from the local wildlife.
I see that your award-winning book was edited by vincent tripi, one of the haiku heroes of mine, and others. Just seeing a few more examples from the book, makes me hope this is made available for sale outside the USA.
There is more than one layer of meaning to enjoy in this poem, as we are so often playing the role of a chameleon in our public facing acts of work or socialising etc…
Wonderful poem!!!
warm regards,