night and day
comma moon

3 Responses

  1. Alan Summers Says:

    night and day
    comma moon


    I love this! Fresh and original.

    war moon
    the flickering of humans
    at birdsong

    Alan Summers
    Asahi Shimbun the blood moon issue (Japan 2015)
    Prune Juice : Journal of Senryu, Kyoka, Haibun & Haiga Issue 21 ed. Steve Hodge (from haibun Nova Normandy 3044, March, 2017)

    Anthology Credit:
    Heart Breaths: Book of Contemporary Haiku ed. Jean LeBlanc (Cyberwit 2016)

    Essay credit:
    Haiku: The Art of Implication over Explication (Living Haiku Anthology, 2016)

  2. Garry Eaton Says:

    in short
    the semi colon
    of a wink

  3. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    'comma moon' is inspired!


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