living will —
she paints her fingernails
different colours


6 Responses

  1. Gaby Bedetti Says:

    Eventually I understood the contrast between being responsible and expressing how you feel. I appreciate the fresh unexpectedness of the comparison!

  2. Dirk van Nouhuys Says:

    I love the way I don't understand this.

  3. Magyar Says:

    Nice senryu Eva!
    __ A quark of each moment's life, in different colors. _m

    this moment
    each digit another shade
    life's moment

  4. Magyar Says:

    Above: "life's moment" was intended to be_ "life's time" _. My ineptitude shown again.

  5. Alan Summers Says:

    It's a big thing to create a living will, or hand over power of attorney to your children now adults.

    living will —
    she paints her fingernails
    different colours


    My mom, then into her early nineties and in ill-health, was relieved to commit to signing over her rights. We didn't do anything without properly talking to her each time, as we still valued her caution and good judgment. But it's still a weight lifted, and if a person still has some health left, why not enjoy those last few years with a freedom by doing something consciously and out of character.

    Wonder poem!

    Alan Summers
    Call of the Page

  6. MaryJo Says:

    Very creative- Sounds like there is some fun involved in this too.

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