after the monsoon
a light rain


9 Responses

  1. Jaime L Manwani Says:

    This one is lovely.

  2. Jaime L Manwani Says:

    This one is lovely. Software says I have already submitted this, but of course I have not.

  3. Jaime L Manwani Says:

    The only way I could get this to submit was to add the extra comment, so you may actually have more people trying to comment than are getting through.

  4. magyar Says:

    Neat Sondra_!
    __ In complement, I leave this echo; flip-flops left on the terrace were blown away by the monsoon, time to think:

    morning coffee
    the night storm stole my flip-flops
    another cup


  5. Jan Benson Says:

    Just so.
    Well done.

  6. Carol Dilworth Says:

    oh yes, I like this lots! thank you

  7. MaryJo Says:

    I liked your juxtaposition very much.

  8. Alan Summers Says:

    Wonderful use of enjambment, breaking the lines:

    after the monsoon
    a light rain


    I love how I can read and misread to my heart's content with those last two lines:

    a light rain apology

    Love it! Highly original and fresh.


  9. hoa khai truong Says:

    Great! I love how I can read and misread to my heart's content with those last two lines

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