Carnival Elephant

I lifted a single peanut up to the great animal. His trunk, as thick as a fire hose, brushed past my small offering and went for what I held in my other hand—the whole bag of peanuts. Tears came to my eyes as he snatched it away.

I looked to Dad. A grin broke across his face.

?Smart old man,? he said of the elephant.

His voice stopped my tears. I looked back and saw the elephant, the rope around his foot.

?Come on, let?s go,? Dad said.

I looked over at the peanut man. Part of me wanted to ask for another bag so I could try again. But part of me did not.

I pocketed the peanut I had offered and we walked away.

humid evening
from a distant tent
an elephant trumpets

13 Responses

  1. Lisa Brown Says:

    Sounds like you pocketed more than a peanut…:-) Very special memory. thanks.

  2. snowbirdpress Says:

    memories of youth
    the aroma of hay
    in the animal cage

    Great to hear from you again, Charles…

  3. Terri French Says:

    thanks for sharing this memory, Charles. It is worth so much more than peanuts.

  4. shaheen Says:

    terri french iam a haiku writer from that part of the world where we daily inhale the smoke of gunpowder plz you people guide me my language is faulty but images will not be that much bad let school doors lock
    come home my children
    blasts may not blow you

  5. pbergonzi Says:


  6. kala ramesh Says:

    Absolutely a lovely piece of writing.

  7. bett angel-stawarz Says:

    I really enjoyed this memory of yours. It is tinged with sadness at how we use animals for our "pleasure"

  8. Bouwe Brouwer Says:

    zoo –
    a boy opens up the candywrapper
    with his teeth

    Lovely haibun.

  9. donnafleischer Says:

    Free to walk away. Not so the elephant, and so the fury and sorrow if its blast. Thank you for a haibun of complex feeling.

    ancient wisdom
    made to perform
    on a thimble,
    the elephant

  10. Cor van den Heuvel Says:

    Nice job Charles. Still reading with music? Why not try to come to the next HSA at Tenri (13th Street) afternoon of Sept 17

    game of catch
    the dog turns his head
    back and forth
    — Cor

  11. Andis Kaulins Says:


  12. shaheen Says:

    thanks for your efforts these haikues are really great chilly morning
    grampa shells peanuts
    for talking parrot

  13. Interim Management Says:

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