the leafing returns
to this dying oak
beneath my hand
such desire for spring

5 Responses

  1. Penny Harter Says:

    A beautiful tanka, Marilyn. Thanks! Below I'll share one for where I am today:
    yellow leaves
    drift toward each other
    on the still green grass—
    I turn to face the wind
    this autumn dusk

  2. Marjorie Buettner Says:

    Marilyn, What a beautifully light yet deep tanka! Thanks for sharing this…

  3. Rosemary Nissen-Wade Says:

    You make me feel it too.
    And Penny, yours is very lovely as well.

  4. snowbirdpress Says:

    Marilyn, There's a healing in your words… I am grateful. con afeccion, Merrill

  5. Penny Harter Says:

    Thank you, Rosemary.

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