3/4 moon
clouds move
in waltz time

8 Responses

  1. harrisfr Says:

    Yes! Let's dance!

  2. Marilyn Hazelton Says:


  3. Rene Says:

    Waltz is a great dance – I learned it a couple of years ago and still like it a lot.

  4. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    This is very visual. Lovely.

  5. Ellen Grace Olinger Says:

    Beautiful haiku

  6. haikuapprentice Says:

    Such a delightful haiku, Mary Emma!
    And so cleverly executed!

    With a son who is an astronomy enthusiast I have become acquainted with the phases of the moon, and I would naturally read your opening line as three-quarter moon. But as the final line makes clear this is a dance timing, so I re-read the poem starting with "three-four moon". A lovely 3 syllable line hidden within a 4 syllable beat!

    Then there is a gentle pause in the middle line, with just 2 syllables, which feels like catching one's breath in an exhilarating dance, then the final line again in waltz time with 3 syllable beats.

    A beautiful sensual rendering of a physical encounter with nature, capturing and sharing with the reader a delightful emotional response.

    Thank you for this dance, Mary Emma!


  7. Mary Emma Pierson Says:

    Dear haiku apprentice,
    Thank you for your sensitive response to my moon-ku.I have written a collection of fifty (unpublished). I did mean the poem to read three-quarter moon, That is how I describe that phase of the moon. I have a background in Classic ballet .Although waltz-time is counted as 123,123 with the accent on one, dancers make musicians crazy, because all dance choreography is counted in sections of four to eight beats,with the possible exception of Stravinsky when a dancer might count to 35 and hope for the best out-come in keeping time to the music.( I'm recalling a performance of Rite of Spring). In a performance choreography for he Emperor's Waltz might have a segment that contains waltz turn, waltz turn,glissade, jetez. This segment would be counted 1234 or one count for each step.Not that any of this has much to do with haiku except for phrasing and rhythm. I belong to a haiku group which meets monthly. it is an eclectic and interesting group. Thank you again for your analysis of my haiku. You caused me to look at it with new eyes. I think it is marvelous that your son is interested in astronomy. it is an interest which will grow with his future. Some of the Native American peoples have lunar calendars with descriptive and lyrical names for phases of the moon. The Natchez people have moons named for Strawberries and Corn Maidens. Food gathering must have been very significant in their culture.

    Thank you,


  8. Alan Summers Says:

    Delightful haiku revealing a little about its author.

    warmest regards,


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