the radio drones
as I shave
my father’s face

9 Responses

  1. Alan Summers Says:


    the radio drones
    as I shave
    my fathers face


    I don't know if this is an intentional typo, but sometimes they bring forth nuggets.

    Even though I'm adopted, how many fathers have I seen as I've shaved my face over decades?

    And how phases of my father, or his father, or father's father, have I seen through teenage years into adulthood?

    The verb choice, often neglected, adds its own strong take on the subject.

    Highly atmospheric piece of writing.

    warmest regards,


  2. Peter Newton Says:

    Hi Alan,

    The word is "father's." I've corrected the typo, with apologies.


  3. imogen288 Says:

    The radio drones
    as I swim in and out of
    the dreams it murmurs.

  4. Alan Summers Says:

    It was an interesting typo though. Sometimes a mistake on our part takes us further than we intended.

    It's a wonderful haiku nonetheless, but its initial typo, now gone, got me thinking of all the fathers I've met, could have been, and the phases they all went through.

    I'm glad I saw the typo before it was corrected. It's got me thinking which is no bad thing for a writer. :-)

    warmest regards,


  5. Peter Newton Says:

    Agreed. Inspiration comes in many places. Thanks for your comments Alan. –Peter

  6. janet Says:

    V. thought-provoking. Many possible stories here. One could read it over and over.

  7. Marie Shimane Says:

    in the mirror
    all my mother's expressions
    look back at me

  8. Paul Heinowski Says:

    My father was a proud man. But no-one protests at his weakness now. Not even the radio.

  9. Margery Says:

    Fú, jó lenne magyarul. Nem nagyon beszélek külföldiül, még az oroszt erőltették a nyakamba.. Mindenképpen lesz könyv (és biztos szakácskönyv is) a fa alatt, én választom ki a saját ajándékom :D Az meg milyen jó volt, hogy megvettük a Mit-gédesséuekek, erre kiderült, hogy a Bonbonettis cuccokkal kaptunk :)

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