busking —
the rattle of coins
off beat


9 Responses

  1. Matt Says:

    Great image!

    ringing of silver
    dropped in the busker’s case
    sweet arpeggio

  2. Jennine Says:

    dense rhythm and the staccato sounds of the hard b's and t's, conjure this scene in a wonderful way

  3. Christopher Pickslay Says:

    Great visual. I'm loving the music theme this week.

  4. Christopher Pickslay Says:

    our conversation
    skips a beat

  5. Magyar Says:

    Quarters clatter; as pigeons quickly frighten; a busker's violin
    __Robert, so nice to read, and then… see this complementary view. _m

  6. madhurip Says:

    Nice one love it.

  7. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    love it!

  8. th. vandergrau Says:

    After consulting Google translate I get it – nice!

  9. joolo Says:

    really nice

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