blackbird song –
the name of a daughter
i’ll never know


11 Responses

  1. Roslyn Says:

    This is so tender and truthful. Thank you

  2. Peggy Bilbro Says:

    Beautiful and haunting.

  3. Matt Says:


  4. adee Says:


  5. Alison H. Says:

    Poignant…blackbirds know.

  6. Warren Gossett Says:

    Absolutely beautiful, yet devastating.

  7. Edgar Says:

    Beautiful. Having no children, it particularly speaks to me. I would have liked to have a daughter. And, so often, the birds do seem to speak to our needs.

  8. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    Very moving.


  9. bouwebrouwer Says:

    Thanks everyone for your kinds comments.

  10. Alan Summers Says:

    Brutually honest and a lovely lovely haiku yet so poignant:
    blackbird song –
    the name of a daughter
    i’ll never know


    train whistle
    a blackbird hops
    along its notes

    Alan Summers
    Presence #47 (2012)

  11. th. vandergrau Says:

    Hits you hard …

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