vacation’s end?
finding my worry stone
right where I left it


8 Responses

  1. Dave Borland Says:

    Excellent, clear, real and so poetic.

  2. Annie Prevost Says:

    So true! Annie Prevost

  3. Claire Says:

    so sad and so true, but I'm still going on vacation :)

  4. Magyar Says:

    Every day, Brian. Nifty!
    __ We all find a way to scrub away our anxieties, as we fashion our own sort of worry stone. _m

    thumb rub
    my tensions set aside
    back to work

  5. Peggy Bilbro Says:

    This is perfect! Thank you!

  6. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    Ah yes, our worries will always wait for us, unfortunately. A holiday might distract for a moment, but … nicely observed.


  7. Jeff Hoagland Says:

    Love this – on the road!

  8. Alan Summers Says:

    vacation’s end–
    finding my worry stone
    right where I left it


    I'm sure as a younger adult I had various worry stones over the years. I wonder where they all are now?
    It's great to leave our worries behind when we have a vacation, but find our lodestone when we get back to "the land of worries" afterwards!


    city of glass the immobilised man small stone counting


    Alan Summers
    Publication Credits: Blithe Spirit 23.3 (August 2013)


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