iced melon
a granddaughter’s grin
overflows her face


8 Responses

  1. pbergonzi Says:

    How sweet!

  2. Alan Summers Says:


    iced melon
    a granddaughter’s grin
    overflows her face


    Being lucky living in Queensland, Australia, we had plenty of various types of melons roadside and big barn stores offering them very cheaply.

    I can imagine the fun for a child still seeing and reacting to the explosive texture of a melon! :-)


    smell of watermelon…
    the high sun factor face block
    just purchased

    Alan Summers
    Publication credit: paper wasp (Australia, no known date)
    Collection: "sundog, an australian year" (sunfast press 1997 reprinted 1998)

  3. Mojde Says:


    overflows to
    her grandparent
    to a poem
    to a world

  4. ormanarlington Says:

    You have a wonderful way with words, Marietta.

  5. Marietta McGregor Says:

    Thank you to the editors, and also to the poets who responded here. Thanks all for the kind words.

  6. Sheila Sondik Says:

    Such an apt image and description of a granddaughter's grin!

  7. Jo Balistreri Says:

    Oh, I can see it and smile myself at your granddaguther’s pleasure.
    Thank you, Marietta.

  8. canvas rolls Says:

    I like this weblog so much, saved to favorites.

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