days end the sound of sunlight glinting off a distant jet


6 Responses

  1. Shirley Weese Says:

    I so love this haiku, I live near an airport in western Canada, the image flew into my mind!
    Thank you

  2. Liz Steinglass Says:

    the sound of sunlight. lovely.

  3. Alan Summers Says:

    Ah, a Floydee! My brother-in-law is a big one, and Karen and myself visited the V&A Pink Floyd exhibition which was incredible!


    days end the sound of sunlight glinting off a distant jet


    Love the all round image of sound and sight and sensation as one!!! Great monoku!!!

    warm regards,


  4. kristen whitaker Says:

    Love this!!!!! Makes me feel peaceful and relaxed. I can picture a beautiful sunset reading this

  5. ghittmeyer Says:

    Thanks for all the kind remarks!


  6. sanjuktaa Says:

    A stunning haiku! Love it!

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