a crack
in the concrete box
prisoner’s sky

12 Responses

  1. David Gross Says:

    Rashmi, a good poem, makes one seriously think. Thanks and have a great day.

  2. Rashmi Vesa Says:

    Thank you for reading. Have a great day !!

  3. kalaramesh Says:

    Ab lovely, Rashmi.

  4. Rashmi Vesa Says:

    Thank you for reading and for your thoughts on the haiku_/_ _/_

  5. martin1223 Says:

    Thank you for your poem:

  6. Rashmi Vesa Says:

    Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment

  7. Martha Says:

    How can I unsubscribe?

  8. Vidya Venkatramani Says:

    Stark and intense.A wonderful example of how haiku can make one think deeply.

  9. Rashmi Vesa Says:

    Thank you Vidya!

  10. Alan Summers Says:

    Hi Martha,

    I'm just a fan of tinywords, but all you need to do is go top left and click onto "SUBSCRIPTIONS" and take it from there.

    warm regards,

  11. Alan Summers Says:

    a crack
    in the concrete box
    prisoner’s sky


    Sky is such an important element to our lives, and never moreso than now. I also hope that actual prison reforms will eventually happen, as we know that current practices do not reduce but only increase crime.

    Wonderfully evocative series of lines giving a powerful overall image!


    the snow-spinning wind
    I dream of only big trees
    in my prison yard

    Alan Summers
    Runner Up, The IAFOR Vladimir Devidé Haiku Award 2015
    The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)

  12. Rashmi Vesa Says:

    Thank you for the insight and for sharing your thought provoking haiku.

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