garden party
an evening breeze combs
the willow


5 Responses

  1. Dawn Apanius Says:

    Beautiful 😍

  2. ingridbaluchi Says:

    'combs' is just the right word here to describe the willow's tresses. Brings to mind lazy days floating down the river Cam in Cambridge, in a boat propelled by a university student earning a bit of pocket money.

    willowy waters
    a punt slides by
    trailing fingers

  3. Mary Jo Says:

    I enjoyed the beautiful garden party haiku, Sondra and then the response brings back memories too.

    On a dreary day in WI, this was most uplifting.

  4. Nani Mariani Says:

    Congratulations dear ..

  5. Nancy Rapp Says:

    Lovely moment! So finely crafted.

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