the underwater singing
of my heart


6 Responses

  1. vickivogt53 Says:

    I love Marianne Paul's poem…I just had a echocardiogram so it really spoke to me. Great job!

  2. GregLongenecker Says:

    Excellenthaiku Marianne. It captures the the nature of the heart.

  3. Alan Summers Says:

    the underwater singing
    of my heart

    —Marianne Paul

    What an utter sublimely beautiful phrase, something I love in haiku, thank you!


  4. Mary Jo Says:

    the underwater singing
    of my heart

    I have never heard this condition ever described so beautifully. A memorable haiku Marianne.

  5. snakypoet Says:


  6. Alma M Pesiri Says:

    well, this will be my thought from now on, while being tested…

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