ripping duct tape the sound of divorce


2 Responses

  1. Bidyut Prabha Gantayat Says:

    Nice edition , great readings.
    As a haiku poet want to submit my poem please share the email n details

  2. darius s Says:

    Dang, this is truth in so many ways, wafts, and weaves.
    wrought before written.
    the sum of separation.
    I’ve never lived this – seated moment –
    , this is the way I’d like to..
    Hinge cut , the way words alliterate..
    I think of heart poured ( veinous) duct ripped.. tape ( record) the sound.. seal, affix .. how this division came together.. “tape the sound” ..package the air, sounding the depth.. ambering this memory of remembering.
    ‘-r-i(pp)ing ta(p)e. duc(t) (t)ape (t)he..(( strong strong soft))
    (s)((o))un(((d))) ((o))f (((d)))iv((o))-r-(ce)

    this soothes my need for harmonic word shapes and sounds on top of nailing the Feel.

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