beyond the black stump a shiver of ghost gums

12 Responses

  1. Alison Hedlund Says:

    A stark picture for sure, haunting.

  2. Dirk van Nouhuys Says:

    Haunting image!

  3. Peter Newton Says:

    I just like saying this out loud. As a poem ought to be.

  4. Theresa C. Says:

    Nice, Lorin… Very visceral!

  5. Jan Dobb Says:

    The sheer music of it!!

  6. haikuapprentice Says:

    What a magnificent image Lorin! "Shiver" perfectly matches the shape of these beautiful trees, while evoking so much mystery. And you also capture how Australian gumtree forests cycle through death and rebirth via bushfires, in that stark opening reference to the black stump. Really wonderful haiku.

    Recently I was inspired by my own encounter with these trees while driving:

    gravel road
    ghost gums mock
    at my every turn


  7. Ellen Grace Olinger Says:

    Wonderful poems by Lorin Ford and Strider – and I appreciate the information. Will look for pictures of these trees now.

  8. Lynne Says:

    Beautiful, Lorin. And a subtle use of metaphor that illuminates, so brightly, these few words. You've packed life and death, loss and hope, past and present in there. Great haiku to show apprentices to illustrate what can be achieved.

  9. Barbara A. Taylor Says:

    Nice one Lorin.

    I've travelled out beyond the black stump.


    the scent of rosemary on Anzac Day

  10. Lorin Ford Says:

    Thanks very much for all your lovely comments. I'm happy this is working .

  11. Lorin Ford Says:

    Thanks very much for all your lovely comments. I'm happy this is working .

  12. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    Oh wow, Lorin! I love this.


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