my mother?s last word
a raised pinkie,
the letter I
in sign language:
our code for ice, more ice

13 Responses

  1. Sophie Says:

    This is one of the best poems ever from tinywords. Thank you. You have inspired me.

  2. Kathy Says:

    I always love and enjoy reading healthcare related micropoetry in any form. Thank you for these powerful words!

  3. Helen Buckingham Says:

    Ditto Sophie.

  4. c.p.harrison Says:

    Ditto ditto! This is beautiful Alexa, thank you.

  5. Alexa Selph Says:

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words! Amazing how we find ways to communicate in the most difficult of circumstances….

  6. Alexa Selph Says:

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words! Amazing how we find ways to communicate in the most difficult of circumstances

  7. Alison Hedlund Says:

    And you were there to register that message….lovely and poignant.

  8. Ellen Grace Olinger Says:

    A beautiful poem by Alexa Selph. I share similar memories from my mother's last illness. What a privilege.

    My mother was called Home in 2004. I remember writing of her passing in comments here at tinywords and the kind support. Meant so much and always will. Thank you.

  9. seingraham Says:

    Succinct, powerful…nicely done.

  10. Janet Says:

    Very poignant work. To be read again and again.

  11. Alan Summers Says:

    my mother’s last word
    a raised pinkie,
    the letter I
    in sign language:
    our code for ice, more ice


    An unusual number of pauses in this tanka, and they work incredibly well, making this a highly memorable poem that will last with many of us for years to come.

    Thank you,


  12. Kirt Dankmyer Says:

    Wow. This one really hit me hard.

  13. A. Mobile Says:

    Good powerful words and heart touching post. Thanks for sharing

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