its own






( Originally published in The Heron’s Nest: XIX.1, March 2017)



6 Responses

  1. Alan Summers Says:

    its own

    ( Originally published in The Heron’s Nest: XIX.1, March 2017)


    Always a sucker for a good snow haiku! It does have its own power and majesty beyond the obvious.

    the low slant
    of winter light
    Alan Summers
    Award Credit: Semi-Finalist, Shambhala Times First Annual Midwinter Haiku Contest 2014
    Delighted this one did so well and selected by Guest Judge Patricia Donegan!

  2. mpaone Says:

    Hm, my mind goes in a few directions here but doesn't land. Is the snow taking over a cathedral? Is the snow piling up like a cathedral to itself? Is each snow lattice a structure? Hm.

  3. Pravat Says:

    Brilliant minimalistic haiku!

    heavy snow–
    church-bell melts
    the silence

    Pravat Kumar Padhy
    Publication Credit: Writers and Lovers Café, Spring issue 2014

  4. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    I love how the absence of anything but snow makes the reader focus on the miracle that it is – and that no two snowflakes are identical.

    A beautiful ku, Helen, that makes me go, "aaaaah!"


  5. Helen Buckingham Says:

    Thanks so much for all your comments, really appreciated.

  6. Lex Says:

    I have never heard snow described so perfectly. And in only four words! A gem of a poem.

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