he tells me he’s forced to retire falling-leaf moon
—j. zimmerman
Issue 20.1 | 15 July 2020
Subtle touch on a profound development for all of us. Appreciated the juxtaposition between forced and the natural unfolding of autumn leaves and the moon!
The contrast between the violence of “being forced” with the sadness and beauty of “falling-leaf moon” is profound. Thank you, J!
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July 15th, 2020 at 11:19 am
Subtle touch on a profound development for all of us. Appreciated the juxtaposition between forced and the natural unfolding of autumn leaves and the moon!
July 15th, 2020 at 12:35 pm
The contrast between the violence of “being forced” with the sadness and beauty of “falling-leaf moon” is profound. Thank you, J!