dandelion field
floats away


6 Responses

  1. Sheila Sondik Says:

    Such a lighthearted view of a fraught topic: the passage of time. This haiku gave me a lift. Thank you.

  2. martin1223 Says:

    It is a lighthearted view of a fraught topic but for me, the sadness still comes back. Only memories to hold on to but with the struggle and hope of the future ahead. At any rate, I do enjoy it, thank you for sharing it:

  3. Nancy A. Jensen Says:


  4. Alan Summers Says:

    dandelion field
    floats away


    At our home we love dandelions, and I've always enjoyed them from childhood onwards. And yes, this year each month floats or fades into another one for good or otherwise.

    Terrific haiku, and is ever more poignant in the 2020 year of the plague.


    Here's one where I follow Emily Dickinson's dictat "Tell all the Truth but tell it slant", sort of, as this is a tercet. ;-) And it's a 575 haiku as well.

    lazy afternoon–
    I drift along with the breeze
    and dandelion seeds

    Alan Summers
    First publication credit: Aesthetics journal (Bath Spa University 2007)
    Anthology: Haiku Friends 2 ed. Masaharu Hirata (Osaka, Japan 2007)
    Feature: see haiku here, Haiga artwork by Kuniharu Shimizu (Tokyo, Japan 2010)

    It's also amazing to be in a dandelion storm, and it was in my former hometown of Bradford-on-Avon (England). :-)

  5. Peter Newton Says:


    cloud drift
    the direction
    I was going anyway


  6. Marion Clarke Says:

    So visual?and you can almost hear a sigh. A fine haiku.



    you said

    we?d all the time in the world?

    dandelion seedheads

    Harusame 22.02.2020

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