day moon
thoughts of you
when we were us

5 Responses

  1. C. Jean Downer Says:

    Lovely ku ❤️

  2. ingridbaluchi Says:

    Carol, I sometimes wonder if all human relationships are tenuous, ephemeral, dependent upon all manner of factors, just like the day moon clouding over or outshone by something stronger.
    Even so, the moon knows where it is, and we can only suppose.

  3. Sabra Fenske Says:

    This is beyond magnificent, IMO…

  4. Magyar Says:

    two ships
    sail with the same wind
    altered course


  5. dar Says:

    Love it Carol

    Just happen to be listening to
    ” God Damn the Sun” by Swans
    i don’t feel i hear those …umm
    i just feel the friends,gone, who played that song.

    tide pulling day moon reflects along

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