a sliver of moon
she asks if he really

5 Responses

  1. @andreochka Says:

    Nice idea for a haiku…

  2. lenice cicchini Says:

    in this dense fog
    your smile
    with a particle of truth

  3. Alan Summers Says:

    I love this. A really good quality modern haiku.

    Alan, With Words

  4. DMV Escorts Says:

    The poems, art and other works will be published here, one at a time, one per day.

  5. rush essay Says:

    This is so nice. Great idea for Haiku. These just three lines explains so many things like its explained the beauty of moon its just like silver . Moon shines like a silver and he compared his love with Moon or also asking question to herself does he really exist. So nice poem. I can explain these three lines in so many words. Keep it up…

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