thoughts unspool
with the white line
road trip







published in Frogpond 34:1

7 Responses

  1. Kala Ramesh Says:


    I think this is absolutely lovely the way you've used 'thoughts' with 'unspool'

    thoughts unspool
    with the white line
    road trip

    Much enjoyed,

  2. Sheila Sondik Says:

    Thanks so much, Kala. I am a big fan of your work – I'm very happy you liked this poem.


  3. Alison H. Says:

    There is something magical about a road trip. The driver must keep her eyes on the road, but the thoughts keep unspooling, like that line. With or without passengers to talk to. I enjoyed this.

  4. Sheila Sondik Says:

    Thank you, Alison. Glad it resonated with your experience.

  5. Helen Buckingham Says:


  6. Sheila Sondik Says:

    Thank you, Helen!

  7. shaheen Says:

    childhood memories threads
    kite flying

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