somewhere between
loneliness and solitude
a seagull’s cry

24 Responses

  1. Ron Grognet Says:

    alone on the beach
    the gulls swoop down

    A visual inspired by your haiku

  2. Maureen Virchau Says:

    Thank you for sharing your own gull haiku, Ron. It definitely lingers. I imagine them looking for picnic leftovers. So glad you were inspired. :-)

  3. Alan Summers Says:

    somewhere between
    loneliness and solitude
    a seagull’s cry


    Nice and moody. :-)

    Since gulls have been a regular feature in cities for many a year, I've written a few:

    down side streets –
    gulls turning the sky
    in and out

    Alan Summers

    Publication Credits:
    The Disjunctive Dragonfly, a New Approach to English-Language Haiku by Richard Gilbert (Red Moon Press 2012) [Elemental Animism p80]; Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years. Ed. Jim Kacian, Allan Burns & Philip Rowland (W. W. Norton & Company 2013)


  4. Maureen Virchau Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, Alan. I was definitely going for "moody" in the writing of that ku. :-) And thanks for posting your own seagull haiku. Such wonderful movement in those words.

    With gratitude,

  5. @edwardbeach81 Says:

    through a fist
    and a mouthful of chips
    orange feet

  6. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    I love the idea of attempting to pinpoint the moment when solitude ends and loneliness begins – and a seagull's cry is spot on for the sound track for such a moment! Well done, Maureen. :)


  7. Maureen Virchau Says:

    Thank you so much for your kind words, Marion. And thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your keen insight. :-)

  8. Ellen Grace Olinger Says:

    early fall
    one seagull
    on the piling
    in higher waters
    of Lake Michigan

  9. Gisele LeBlanc Says:

    I love the mood here. So well captured!

  10. Maureen Virchau Says:

    Thank you very much, Gisele. I am so glad you enjoy it. :-)

  11. snakypoet Says:


  12. Maureen Virchau Says:

    Thank you very much. So glad you enjoy it. :-)

  13. haikuapprentice Says:

    Maureen, my youngest son was starting to study haiku at school about a month ago, and I was appalled by what the English teacher was telling the class about our favoured form. So I read with him some translations of Basho, Buson and Issa, then brought him to Tinywords, and we read a number of the poems inspired by the photo prompt. Your 3 works were at the top of the page, seeming to form a poetic triptych, and as we discussed them and how they worked he was amazed and inspired by the rich allusions and subtlety of these verses. We shared a very meaningful hour or so which I will always treasure. And he returned to school with a genuine appreciation of haiku in English, and a yearning to write it himself. Such is the transformative power of your poems. Really wonderful poetry! Thanks for sharing.


  14. Maureen Virchau Says:

    Thank you so much for all your kind words, Strider. I sincerely appreciate your thoughtful and generous post. I am extremely touched that my writing was included in providing an educational experience for your son. It is truly wonderful to know that you are teaching him the essence of haiku.

    With gratitude,

  15. Paresh Says:

    somewhere between
    loneliness and solitude
    a seagull’s cry

    We will always wonder about this thin line between loneliness and solitude, won't we Maureen. A very subtle and evocative work. Thank you for a lovely moment.

  16. Maureen Virchau Says:

    Thank you so very much for your kind words, Paresh. I sincerely appreciate your insight. I am so glad you enjoy it, and you're very welcome. :-)

  17. Barbara Kaufmann Says:

    As though loneliness breaks into the silence of solitude. Wonderful – perfectly captures this moment.

  18. Maureen Virchau Says:

    Thank you so much, Barbara. I sincerely appreciate your kind words, as well as your wonderful insight. Wishing you peace. ~Maureen

  19. Kent Johansson Says:

    cat and her kittens
    abandoned in a trashcan
    someone had more important things to do

  20. Kaylee Says:

    More posts of this quyilta. Not the usual c***, please

  21. Says:

    Widać wyraźnie że Twoje życie oparte jet na ciągłym oszukiwaniu innych, twoja głupota nie ma granic a gdyby umiała fruwać to latałbyś jak gołębica. Kiedy tylko wspominałem o sile rynku to zawsze mówiłem wyraźnie że nie widzę możliwości aby zachód spadał a my nie natomiast spadek na zachodzie -3 a u nas np tylko -1.5 to zawsze jest możliwe. Z reszta po co Ci to tłumaczyc jak Ty wiesz lepiej i swoimi szarymi komórkami tłumaczysz sobie wszystko na swój język.

  22. Says:

    Rufus II: "About a Million Barrels/Day of Biofuels (Ethanol, and Biodiesel) came online from 2005 to the present."According to the Energy Information Administration, biofuels in 2010 accounted for 1.2% of total U.S. energy consumption. Biofuels are a meaningless blip.All renewable energy sources – including biofuels, wind, solar, and hydroelectric – made up 8.0% of total U.S. energy consumption. Here's an interesting comparison:Share of U.S. energy consumption1981-1985nuclear……….4.5%fossil fuels….87.3%renewables…….8.2%2005-2010nuclear……….8.5%fossil fuels….84.1%renewables…….7.4%Source:

  23. hausratversicherung bedingungen Says:

    Nu mi-am propus niciodata sa le gestionez. Ele fac parte din felul meu de a fi. Pot fi si punctual, dar si flexibil. Si inmiresmat, dar si inodor. :)) Imi place sa ma pliez pe pesonanitatea oamenilor si sa iau de la ei atat cat am nevoie, dand la schimb pe masura. Si nimic nu mi se pare prea mult, prea fierbinte sau prea tare.Bunatatea se naste din suferinta, iar frumusetea din noroi. Apa fierbinte descatuseaza miresma boabelor de cafea. Totul se transforma.

  24. marykendall Says:

    somewhere between
    loneliness and solitude
    a seagull’s cry

    A brilliant haiku, Maureen.

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