ancient night . . .
what i know in the daylight


14 Responses

  1. Alan Summers Says:


    ancient night . . .
    what i know in the daylight


    Is every night ancient?

    We look up and into a past, where stars are no longer existing, but their death has yet reached us, just their lives as stars through light.

    Night transforms natural landscape and skyscape, and what we think is real fades gradually through the dusk, the twilight.

    What are we, ourselves, but molecules, and an idea?

    It's healthy that night re-adjusts our presumptions.

    Thoughtful haiku, we need more like this.

    warm regards,

    Alan, With Words

  2. Alison Hedlund Says:

    Love this poem. Expresses for me the mystery, the primordial, the shamanic realm that night can evoke–and the dark or deep thoughts that the busy-ness of daytime does not allow. I am copying this and putting it on my poetry wall. Actually, I don't have a wall, I just thought of it. And this will be the first poem on it. Thanks for this wonderful haiku!

  3. Ronald Grognet Says:

    I’m blown away by this wonderful haiku. A great example of why I love this form so much. I especially like the there/not there juxtaposition

    Stark naked

    I look for me

    In the mirror

  4. haikuapprentice Says:

    I really like your haiku, Ron. And an excellent response to the work – did you write it today or are you sharing something you had previously written?

    "Stark naked" can sometimes be a cliche, but in this context the starkness is perfectly apt.


  5. Ronald Grognet Says:

    Wrote it about six months ago. Thanks for your comment

  6. Marjorie Buettner Says:

    beautiful and evocative!

  7. Norman Darlington Says:

    A deeply resonant poem, Jim. As Alan says, we need more like this.

  8. Ellen Grace Olinger Says:

    Wonderful haiku. Thank you.

  9. haikuapprentice Says:

    This issue of Tinywords just keeps delivering brilliant haiku!

    I love this poem, Jim. Your opening choice of "ancient" is inspired, and invites so many reflections – like the very act of standing in a dark sky area at night.
    And the virtuoso juxtaposition of starlight and sunlight without mentioning them is brilliant – we know they are there, but they are invisible – they disappear in fact!

    I agree with Alison, this is a haiku to be savoured.


  10. Paresh Says:

    I have often wondered, how would life be if we could peer into time instead of distance. Not realising all the while that the two intersect at so many places. Aren't we peering into time when we look at the stars, at sun. We are in fact often looking at things that happened eons back, we are looking at the light that shined when the first stones of pyramids were laid, when the dinosaurs roamed free.

    If a haiku, in nine words can express so much, the poet has indeed done a lot right.

    ancient night . . .
    what i know in the daylight

    —————— Jim Kacian

    What a inspired choice of word ancient is here and how beautifully it juxtaposes with our naivete. This beautifully composed haiku gently disassembles all that we take for granted and builds up a new, more reflective truth. Thank you so much Jim for sharing this beautiful verse with us.

  11. Margaret Dornaus Says:

    Lovely poem, Jim, embellished by beautiful use of language.

  12. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    I love this – I spotted it in my inbox and gasped. It is perfect.


  13. Gisele LeBlanc Says:

    Beautifully written, Jim–one of those haiku that you can totally get lost in. :)

  14. martin1223 Says:

    not alone a patch of ripples disappears

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