we cross the invisible
flight lines of bees

3 Responses

  1. Alan Summers Says:

    Plan Bee is always a good idea!!!

    Wonderful haiku, keeps me smiling, beautifully done!

    we cross the invisible
    flight lines of bees



    I can relate to this after a group of buff-tailed bumblebees took over a spare birdhouse (we have plenty). They make for great companions (both bees and bumblebees)!


    nectar harvest…
    the married wings in flight
    of honey bees

    Alan Summers
    HAIKU DIALOGUE – first raspberry ed. KJMunro (July 2019)

    (Honey bees belong to the order of Hymenoptera, which refers to the wings of the insects… A plausible etymology involving Hymen, the Ancient Greek god of marriage, is that these insects have “married wings” in flight. Derived from WIKIPEDIA)

  2. magyar Says:

    Naturous, and by you Meredith, its time so well seen!
    __ I see, under those 'flight lines' the squirrels as they -squirrel away- their winter larder.

    in the thought of snow
    as goldenrods turn to dust
    acorns squirreled away

  3. Shelby Mahan Says:

    Married wings in flight…

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