autumn in the air
a flit-dip
of chickadees

5 Responses

  1. RaCy Says:

    I love this haiku! My exact experience also – ??????

  2. Peggy Hale Bilbro Says:

    A flit-dip! I love this! It perfectly captures the visual fun of watching them!

  3. Gaby Bedetti Says:

    I feel the balminess of autumn, especially in the first half, and a nip of cold and the sound of feathers in the second half.

  4. Alan Summers Says:

    autumn in the air
    a flit-dip
    of chickadees


    Ah, chickadees, close cousins to the British titmice family!

    Great haiku!!! Love ones about birds.

    I love "a flit-dip of chickadees"!

    We have blue tits nesting in an extra sparrow box we had fitted externally. There are so many under the roof nest areas we conserved, there's room for all!

    I love all of them, including spotting large groups of these "cousins"!

    banditry of titmice
    the longtails fleeting
    through the air

    Alan Summers
    “banditry” is a collective noun for long-tailed titmice
    Scientific name: Aegithalos caudatus

  5. martin1223 Says:

    autumn bite
    the slowness of dusk

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