higher tides
crabs scuttling
on asphalt




5 Responses

  1. Alan Summers Says:


    higher tides
    crabs scuttling
    on asphalt



    Love the contrast of tides to asphalt, and the texture switch!

    Despite living in Australia, and Queensland, and having been on Diamond Head, Hawaii, I'm surprised I have no crab haiku! But a few asphalt ones! :-)


    drifting clouds along an asphalt of ice cream summer roads of longing

    one line haiku by Alan Summers
    part of "Pandemica’s Clouds" sequence

    behind the mask: haiku in the time of Covid-19
    Singing Moon Press Pandemic Anthology ed. Margaret Dornaus (2020)

  2. martin1223 Says:

    Nice soundings Lorraine!

    Good navigating to true north, Alan!


    scuttlebutt in the night-fog rolling in

  3. martin1223 Says:

    leapin lizards!

    fox den
    the scuttling of mice

  4. Lorraine Says:

    I love all of these variations!! Scuttling and asphalt are particularly evocative words, no?

  5. Alan Summers Says:

    Martin :-)

    long hard rain my compass your true north

    Alan Summers
    Publication credits:
    Frogpond 36.1 • 2013
    VerSuch … das projekt gendai haiku (1st July 2013)

    starker Dauerregen mein Kompass dein geographischer Norden
    trans. Ralf Bröker

    VerSuch … das projekt gendai haikuBers

    German by Ralph Broker

    German and gendai!

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